Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

So I don't know anyone who isn't excited about this movie! That's just the type of people I hang out with. I have been truly captivated with this series since Batman Begins came out in 2005. When it came out there was a shift felt throughout the genre. Everyone else had to raise their bar and come up with something epic. It is amazing the impact the series has had. I'm really excited (you'll read this word a lot in this blog because I can't find a Google thesaurus) for this movie, but I want to take a look at what brought us here. I'm not one to make speculations and honestly I'm probably not as well read into the comics as most so I wouldn't want to spark any debates about what happened in which issue. I have however seen the first two movies of the series and feel I have some valid opinions on the subject so here we go!

Personally I'm not surprised at the amazing stories Christopher Nolan has been able to portray in his movies. Batman is my favorite DC universe hero. In fact a lot of the DC characters really just don't do it for me. I might be the only comic book fan that's not excited about a Justice league movie. Batman, however, has always been at the top of my list of hero characters. I believe the greatest thing about Batman is that he is just a man for crying out loud! Sure he has near impossible gadgets and I'd say more luck than Bruce Wayne has money but still that's all he's got. Batman also has one of the best alter egos, Bruce Wayne.

If I were to break down the success of the Nolan Batman films I'd have to say it starts with Bruce Wayne. I think that it's always the alter ego that everyone is interested in. This is why you always have love stories or life tragedies. Everyone wants to see who is behind the mask and they want to relate to them. People want to see that a person with normal-ish problems can put on a suit and perform amazing feats of heroism. Batman has Bruce Wayne and Nolan was wise to focus on his journey to becoming Batman. We saw Wayne weak and foolhardy and we saw him rise above it! In The Dark Knight we saw him beaten down and his moral character tested by the Joker. I can only imagine what we'll see in The Dark Knight Rises! I've tried to be careful not to read too much about it so I won't go too much into what I think it will be. I feel, given Nolan's past movies, that the movie will be way more fantastic if I go into it ready to learn what is going on instead of trying to feel like I already do. Sadly I'm not sure if I'll make it to the opening weekend BUT I will be posting about it as soon as I see it and I expect to see comments and virtual high fives as we discuss this movie!

Here are some reviews but more notes that I quickly read. Like I said I'm trying really hard to not think about this movie too much before I go see it.

Also if you were all wondering my favorite comic book heroes are as follows
1. Wolverine
2. Batman
3. Spider-Man
4. Colossus

And after that I don't care to put them in order.

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